Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Finding time!

Carolyn and I are in the process of doing our "pre" work for our big class project. Having fun and we are excited about some of our ideas but a little worried about having only one and a half weeks left until completion. Finding the time to work together has been challenging. We are trying to find times that line up during the school day where we have 20 minutes here and there to work together but it is very difficult, especially since I teach in both the middle school and high school. Right now we are in the midst of musical season and this year I'm playing in the pit orchestra. (Andrew Wright and I alternate years conducting and this year I get to play)!

So that is taking up a lot of time from rehearsals to personal practice time. I also play in and help run an adult community band called, The South Jersey Area Wind Ensemble. This rehearses every Monday night for 3 hours and also involves personal practice time and a lot of work as the Personnel Manager. Next up...Jazz band. Our jazz festival is in only 3 weeks. I help organize this evening of 9 bands performing, judges rooms, food and make the program for this event and rehearse every Thursday after school. On top of that, I'm conducting a few honors group and I travel 45 minutes to and from work each day. Don't get me wrong...I'm not complaining and I love all that I do! I consider myself very lucky to do something I love!  It is very hard to find enough hours in the day to get everything done and make our project as good as it can be. A little panicked and worried but am going to to try to take it one day at a time and just do the best that I can. Oh yeah, and then there's the day job of actually teaching! Would love just a few more hours in a day....

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